Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What does it mean to be zealous for the Lord?

The following is J.I. Packers description of a zealous man from "Knowing God."
"A zealous man in religion is pre-eminently a man of one thing. It is not enough to say that he is earnest, hearty, uncompromising, thorough-going, whole-hearted, fervent in spirit. He only sees one thing, he lives for one thing, he is swallowed up in one thing; and that one thing is to please God. Whether he lives, or whether he dies - whether he has health, or whether he has sickness- whether he is rich, or whether he is poor- whether he pleases man, or whether he gives offense- whether he is thought wise, or whether he is thought wise, or whether he is thought foolish- whether he gets blame, or whether he gets praise- whether he gets honor, or whether he gets shame- for all this the zealous man cares nothing at all. He burns for one thing; and that one thing is to please God, and to advance God's glory."

Phinehas was a zealous man. His zeal saved the Israelites. Numbers 25:5-13

Am I zealous? Are you? Are we all designed to be this zealous?

When I read such a description of zeal and stories about such zealous men I am dishearted. I think "How can I achieve this!?" I look at myself and see such a lack of zeal for God's glory. I predominantly live my life for myself and not for Christ as I am commanded to in
2 Corinthians 5:14-15.

God I long for such zeal and ask for it, but praise be to you because you no longer regard me according to the flesh. 2 Corinthians 5:16

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Zhenya! I so like your blog! We are from Russia. I am missioner on Far East Russia. I and my wife organize many clubs to construct attitudes friendship and to speak them about the Christ. My wife has a ladys club. It is good opportunity to testify about our God and His love! We are missionary on the Far East Russia. We are russian. We live in Birobidzhan city, it is the Jewish region in Russia. A lot of Jews live here. They have synagogues and celebrate many religious holidays. But many of them do not know the Christ. We have 2 daughters. Polina is 9 years and Liliya is 3 years. I shall be glad give answer to you, if you are interesting about us and our ministry. I will glad if you can write me. Sorry my English.
    Your brother in Christ Zhenya
    You can vizit our family ministry blog
