Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The All Consuming Fire

burning bush
This is how He is described "For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God." (Deut 4:24) This is not the only way in which He is described for the Lord can not be contained by a single word. His qualities and nature far exceed anything we can comprehend "For My thoughts [are] not your thoughts, Nor [are] your ways My ways," says the LORD. " (Isaiah 55:8)

God - The consuming fire
Can you imagine being burned alive? Or this. Think about when you have burned yourself. How much it hurt. I remember dropping a pot of boiling water down my leg and having it cause me pain for a week. How much more intense would being burned alive be? This is what God does in us to our sinful nature. When he comes in contact with us His very nature is to sanctify us and remove all impurity. His righteousness is too pure to be tainted by us! "He has blazed against Jacob like a flaming fire Devouring all around." (Lam 2:3) This is done because of the foul sin within us. Jeremiah knew this when he said "Let all their wickedness come before You, And do to them as You have done to me For all my transgressions" (Lam 1:22) Jeremiah had a life full of suffering and pain.

Point being the process of being sanctified is not a pleasant one. It is extremely painful. Our sin nature is being burned up, but the problem is we are attached to our sin nature. We get burned in the process. I am currently getting burned. Having my eyes opened to another level of my sinful nature. Seeing how deep the beast really goes. The comforts which my sin nature provides are being seared and destroyed. I will only have God, though I forget that I already have him.

I can only trust as Jeremiah(Fyi in case you thought righteousness equated to an easy life you are mistaken. Examine the life of Jeremiah or many other men of God.) was able to. Able to look back at his bitter suffering and say "The LORD [is] good to those who wait for Him, To the soul [who] seeks Him." (Lam 3:25)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Sweetness

God has been revealing some sweet truths, at least for today, through the word.

While looking into the fruits of the spirit the knowledge that in the KJV "patience" at times is translated as "longsuffering." This verbiage seems proper seeing as in my current state I am just waiting, being patient in my suffering, for God to do work in my heart.

God is good! I love how he orchestrates things to provide for a heart knowledge of his word.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Battle with legalism

What does one do when the problem is in fact "doing" things?

All I want is Christ, but it is exactly Him which I can not grab hold of!

I guess I will just pray and wait.

What else can I do, but sit still and know that He is God and wait for him to do business on my heart?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thoughts on Fear

Exodus 14:31
"And when the Israelites saw the great power the LORD displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant."

Lord's power led to fear, fear led to trust.

Contemplating the things which the Lord has done in my life, or in the past, which would cause me to fear him and place my trust in him.

What knowledge of God's power leads to a fear?

-Just at the sight of God, Isaiah was thrown into a deep fear for his life. (Isaiah 6) He was the most righteous man in all of Israel and on his own he was overcome with so much fear that he could not stand.

Do we gain a proper fear of God by simply viewing God?
-It seems so. There is no reason upon viewing the awesome things God has done to not have a deep fear of him. Just from the what the Israelites witnessed, parting of the red sea, manna, destruction of the most powerful army of its time, Egypt, etc. There are many more reasons to fear the Lord that exist even today.

How do we view the power of God and have a proper fear of him deeply rooted in our hearts?
-Prayer - James 5:16
-Time in the word in books where his power is obvious - Exodus, Isaiah, Joshua, 1 and 2 Samuel. (Its all good!)

Why do we want to trust him?
-He is the only consistent being ever!

Deuteronomy 32:4
"He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is he."

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rockin the I wishing I was Rockin the E

This week has been crazy full of suffering and rejoicing. Through all of my weakness God has been consistent and his strength truly has been made perfect through it. The weakness and suffering resulted from a breakup with my now ex-girlfriend. I praise God that it happened! Not because I have been rid of her but because of the fruit which has been produced through this trial. 

Here is just one piece of fruit that has been produced:

The emotional suffering experienced the night of the breakup was intense. On a level of emotional grief which I had never experienced until then. I share this not to receive pity but only to demonstrate a point. Through all of it I had the promises of God to hold to and God himself right along with me. This suffering resulted from the cleavage of a relationship. This emotional suffering happens when ANY relationship/friendship is brought to an end. Neither person involved enjoys the ending of the relationship, well at least if it was a good relationship. Suffering is endured by all as a result.
Think about this: What if you were in a perfect relationship? Experiencing perfect love? What if you had been in that relationship for your entire existence? It was all you had ever known! What if this perfect relationship was suddenly brought to an end? How intense and extreme would your suffering be?! 
Jesus did this for us! He cut off his relationship with God and the Holy Spirit to be with us!
(Heb 12:2) He had been with God and the Holy Spirit for all time! (John 1:1-2) How much more was the emotional suffering he endured for my sake? Infinitely more! I even had God through my trial to hold me up. Jesus did not have God. Jesus chose to do this in order that God's will might be fulfilled. The love of God and Christ is beyond measure! Praise be to God for He is loving and willing to accept much pain that we would be with him and his Father. I doubt that God enjoyed pouring out his wrath on Jesus for our sakes. Psalms 136 effectively demonstrates the love of God. 
Considering it is almost Easter I believe it fitting to have our eyes focused upon Christ for what he has done in our lives.